Family Law
Attorney Duana Boswell-Loechel is Board Certified in Family Law.
We specialize in the following:
Divorce and Property Settlements
– Over 15 years experience in contested and uncontested divorces involving custody, child support, extensive property divisions including retirement benefits, military benefits and tort claims.Prenuptial and Post-nuptial Agreements
– Protect your assets before marriage, or even after you say “I DO”. A well drafted prenup or post-nup can help prevent fighting over assets and how bills will be handled during the marriage. These agreements can actually help prevent divorces.Paternity, Child Custody and Child Support
– We can help you establish paternity or non-paternity, custody rights and child support.Adoptions
– As an active supporter of the Galveston County Adoption Day Foundation , we have finalized dozens of termination and adoptions.Modifications
– You can modify the terms of child support and custody of prior orders. We can help you modify or prevent the modification of custody, possession and access and child support.Enforcement
– If you already have an order awarding child support, possession and access or property division that the other side is not honoring, we can help you make the other party obey the Court’s order. If you are honoring the order, but are being sued for enforcement, we can defend you against unwarranted claims.Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Victim Cases
– There are special rules to follow in cases where there is domestic violence, abuse and sexual assault. We have years of experience helping abuse victims pursue their legal goals.Protective Orders
– 2 year and lifetime protective orders are available depending on the facts of the case. We can help you decide which order you qualify for and help you obtain the protective order, even when other attorneys say it can’t be done.Military
– We have years of experience in divorces involving military benefits. When one or both spouses are in the military there are certain benefits and rules that each spouse may have rights to. We can help you receive everything that you are entitled.Hague Convention
– Well versed in Hague return cases. When there are custody orders in another country and one parent takes the children in violation of that order to the US we can help get them returned. We can also help children remain in the USA under certain circumstances.CPS
– These cases have their own set of rules. Dealing with CPS can be difficult. The Boswell Law Firm has years of experience helping return children to their parents.READ MORE ABOUT BOARD CERTIFICATION