Resource Center
Divorce Self-protection Checklist
Even if you and your spouse are in agreement on the divorce, you should both protect yourselves in case things become heated. Download your free divorce planning checklist to make sure you are doing what you need to protect yourself during and after your divorce.
Useful Toll-free Numbers
Office of Attorney General
Child Support ………………………………… 1-800-252-8014
Consumer Protection Hotline ……………… 1-800-621-0508
Crime Victims Compensation ……………… 1-800-983-9933
Texas Department of Family & Protective Services
Texas Abuse/Neglect Hotline ……………… 1-800-252-5400
Texas Youth Hotline ………………………… 1-800-989-6884
Office of Consumer Affairs Hotline ………. 1-800-720-7777
Family an Community SVCS ……………… 1-800-422-2956
Foster Care & Adoption Inquiry Hotline … 1-800-233-3405
Texas Department of Public Safety
Driver License Customer Service ………… 1-512-424-2600
Vehicle Inspection …………………………. 1-512-424-7293
Emergency Roadside Assistance …………. 1-800-525-5555
Texas Crime Stoppers Hotline ……………. 1-800-252-8477
Texas Health & Human Services Commission
WIC ……………………………………………. 1-800-942-3678
Mental Health Consumer Rights …………… 1-800-252-8154
Disaster Assistance …………………………… 1-800-582-5233
Medicaid Hotline …………………………….. 1-800-252-8263
Children’s Health Insurance Plan (CHIP) …. 1-877-543-7669
Substance Abuse Services …………………… 1-866-378-8440
Texas Department of Criminal Justice
Victim Services Division …………………….. 1-800-848-4284
Offender Status Line …………………………. 1-800-535-0283
Offender Parole Review Status Line ……….. 1-844-512-0461
Division of Worker’s Compensation
Injured Worker Hotline ……………………… 1-800-252-7031
Safety Violations Hotline ……………………. 1-800-452-9595
Free & DIY Legal Help
TEXASLAWHELP.ORG – Free legal information & forms for civil legal issues in Texas.
Substance Abuse and Addiction Resources
ADDICTION AND DIVORCE – An excellent article on Substance Addiction and Divorce provided by ADDICTION GROUP.ORG.
HELP.ORG – Informational guide regarding prescription drug addiction and abuse. Also drug and alcohol rehab resources and support.
Texas Lawyers’ Assistance Program – Helping Texas attorneys dealing with wellness issues, stress & anxiety, depression & bipolar, suicide prevention, substance use, and cognitive decline.
DRUGREHAB.COM – “Changing lives through addiction care & education.” In addition to the homepage, be sure to check out their excellent Guides.
REHABSPOT.COM/DRUGS – Free online information about the relationship between drug abuse and addiction in the hopes of creating a healthier and happier community.
ALCOHOLHELP.COM/ALCOHOL/ALCOHOL-WITHDRAWAL/ – Helping individuals struggling with alcohol misuse by spreading awareness on the issues surrounding alcohol use disorders.
ALCOHOLREHABHELP.ORG/RESOURCES/RELATIONSHIPS/ – How Alcohol Affects Relationships: a guide with advice on managing alcohol use disorder for the friends and family of the one affected.
OnlineTherapy.com – ONLINE ADDICTION COUNSELING – Helping people who are struggling with substance abuse or addiction jump-start or continue their road to recovery by making it easy to connect to online counselors.
Mental Health Counseling Resources
Exodus Consulting and Psychological Services, PLLC – Dr. Kimberly Grimsley offers a wide range of psychological services to individuals, families, and couples. Offering online services, and an office located in the Texas City/La Marque area. Phone 409-797-4174.
FINDINGHOPETHERAPY.COM – Tammy Zwarst, MA, LPC, LMFT, BCPCC has over 25 years’ experience providing marriage and individual counseling. Mrs. Zwarst works with clients on a broad range of issues including depression, anxiety, marital infidelity, caregiver issues, grief, and life-stage adjustments. Phone 281-728-6973.
OnlineTherapy.com – FREE ONLINE THERAPY – Making it easy to connect to online counselors. Due to the increased availability of telemedicine for behavioral health concerns, it is easier than ever for people to access life-saving care. OnlineTherapy.com resources help people connect with mental health services, many of which offer free or low-cost options because no one should be denied care or hesitate to take the first step toward recovery due to financial constraints.
OnlineTherapy.com – FREE ONLINE THERAPY CHAT – OnlineTherapy.com provides a directory and reviews of websites and apps offering free online therapy chat. Online chat allows you to attend therapy sessions via chat room, text, or webcam with a licensed professional in the privacy of your own home.
Domestic Abuse Resources
HAWC.ORG – Houston Area Women’s Center.
RCCGC.ORG – Resource and Crisis Center of Galveston County.
DOMESTICSHELTERS.ORG – A wealth of information on domestic abuse, finding a shelter near you, and a helpful toolkit for when you are ready to leave an abusive relationship.
DRUGREHAB.COM Domestic Abuse Resource Guide – To cope with the pain of domestic and sexual abuse, some victims turn to the use of drugs and alcohol. The DrugRehab.com mission is to be a support resource for those coping with these issues.
NSVRC.ORG – National Sexual Violence Resource Center. Research and tools towards ending sexual harassment, assault, and abuse.
Divorce Resources
THE GIFFORD GROUP – Serving Houston and surrounding areas offering FREE services to couples going through a divorce. The Gifford Group specializes in helping divorcing couples to make informed decisions about their homes, whether they keep the house or not.